3 easy ways to drive traffic to your website

November 3, 2022

There is a point as a marketer where you question “why can’t I drive traffic to my website?”.

Don’t worry you are not alone.

There is a false expectation that once your website is out there to the world, you can expect an instant surge of traffic and interaction. However, the reality is quite far from it.

Having a website on a search engine is one thing, the next step is actually to start nurturing what you are putting out there through methods of optimisation and marketing.

Step #1: Write great content

One of the most effective ways to attract traffic to your website is through blogging and writing insightful articles.

Search engines are essentially a big ol’ query platform. If you are consistently writing content that answers your target user’s questions, the likelihood of them coming to your website is pretty high.

Tips to writing great content for your website:


Use keywords and headings

Consider your target market
Ensure that your content is original
The article answers the question
Target topics that people are searching for

Another important factor to remember when you are sharing great insights is to be consistent. We would recommend sharing an article at least once a month as a minimum.

Essentially, the more you post the better chance you give your website to rank under specific searches. However, it can be more damaging to share one blog a week one month, and none the next. When you commit to sharing a specific amount of blogs, try your best to stick to that number. 

Step #2: Implement an SEO strategy


It’s not just about blogging

When we do an overview of what really goes into SEO, writing great content is actually a minuscule part of the work that goes into that strategy, but it still plays a significant part in it. The idea is to rank your website high on Google as a way of generating consistent organic traffic for specific key terms that you want to be found under.

Research, research, and do a little more research

To start, you need to see what people are actually searching for in your industry. There are two main things that your website needs to present to Google to be deemed credible and that is: relevance and authority. Ensure that the content on your website is related to what you actually do and that it is presenting and using credible sources.

You also need to consider factors such as keyword search volume and keyword difficulty. What you want to find is a good balance of medium keyword search volume and low keyword difficulty.

You will always be competing for ranks

There will always be competitor websites that you will find difficulty overtaking on the ranks. Take the BBC as an example, even if your content is on the same level as theirs, your authority won’t be anywhere near what their website has to offer.

Why may you ask, the main reason is that BBC is the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom. They are not only recognised as that on the web but also in the real world. It is next to impossible to outrank a company of that level, especially as they are nationally recognised. However, you do stand a good chance against companies that are similar to you through consistent SEO efforts.

It’s crucial that you understand that SEO isn’t something that makes a difference overnight. It can take anywhere between 6-12 months before you start to see positive data feeding in.

Step #3: Collaborate with other businesses & influencers

Ads are quite literally everywhere.

Whether you are scrolling on Instagram or walking the dog, there is some form of marketing presence trying to tempt you into making a purchase or an inquiry.

Why do we see so many businesses collaborate with influencers?

People buy from people. If a business tells you that their product is amazing and you need to try it, would you? What if your best friend recommended the same exact product? You may be tempted to try it then…

Businesses are looking to collaborate with people that are engaging with their target audience on a daily basis. Molly-Mae is a great example of this form of marketing. PrettyLittleThing has now been in collaboration with Molly-Mae for the last three years, now being appointed as a creative director in the UK. The longer you keep the collaboration, the more established trust you are building with your target audience. Especially if you are collaborating with someone that people look up to and engage regularly with.

Our top tip would be to find a collaborator that genuinely believes in your business, services, and products. People quickly pick up on non-genuine collaborations which may hurt you more than help generate traffic to your business.

Credit: The Sun 

in conclusion…

So there you have it, three ways to easily drive traffic to your website. Becoming #1 on Google isn’t something that will happen instantly, but it isn’t impossible. Especially with an expert SEO team behind you – explore our SEO services here.

Alternatively, get in touch with us to see how we can help! You can call us on 01562 747411 or email kidderminster@nettl.com

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