Do I need a website for my business?

September 23, 2021

Yes. Whether you are only a start-up business or have been established for quite some time, your business needs a website. By having a website, you open yourself up for far more opportunities than just relying on your brand and referrals. Websites help your business generate leads and position yourself as an expert in your field. In this article we will be discussing why websites are important for your business and the different types of websites available.

Why are websites important for a new business?

By not having a website or any form of online marketing, you are restricting yourself geographically. A website gets your name out there to the world. Clients can potentially reach you from up and down the country, overseas and even if you are not interested in expanding your clientele globally, a website allows locals to easily find you and the relevant information to get in touch with your business.

A good website connects potential clients with you, helps them to get to know your team, your philosophy and understand your services wherever, whenever. The beauty of having a website is that they don’t have trading hours which allows potential clients to get in touch with you when it is convenient for them.

Did you know that websites help to build trust and credibility? A website is a great way to showcase your personality, your brand values and what you are all about. This is done through a number of ways such as testimonials, images, content, design and much more. All of this combined helps potential clients to get a feel for what it is like working with you before they have even had the opportunity to speak to you. Treat websites as first impressions – you need to make it good.

One thing that we always advise our website clients is to show off their work through an online portfolio. If you put enough care into the way that you look and establish yourself online, then that reflects on your work ethic and the way you treat your clients.

What types of websites are there?

If you are thinking of getting a new website but are unsure of where to start, then you have come to the right place! Here are some of the main types of websites.

Portfolio Website

A portfolio website is a great start, particularly if you have a small budget. The functionality of this type of website is simple and minimal. It may feature a blog, gallery and quite frequently a simple contact form. These websites normally consist of a single page – a couple at a push. A beautiful portfolio website will help you reach wider audiences and improve your customer service through easy to access information about your business which users can utilise without needing to call or visit you first.

E-commerce Website

E-commerce websites are another common type of website that businesses own. With an e-commerce website, users can purchase your products or services without ever needing to converse with you. E-commerce websites allow for you to make purchases, process payments, generate receipts and confirmations. Most e-commerce website platforms will offer useful analytics and reports about your shop where you can analyse your sales and profit.

With most types of websites, you can integrate them with Google Analytics. This is one of the top analytical tools to help you track progress of your website including traffic, sessions, and engagement. You will be able to track your audience and what is leading them to purchase certain products. E-commerce websites have become much more popular over the last two years with more small start-up businesses looking for ways to sell their products and services whilst maintaining safe distance.

Booking Website

A booking website is a slightly more complex type of site. It normally requires additional functionality which involves integrating a unique system to your website. For example, a hotel would require a booking system for their staff and guests to use in order to reserve and manage rooms. A restaurant would require a booking system where customers have the ability to book a table through their website without needing to contact the restaurant. These booking systems are not only beneficial for customers to use, but it also improves efficiency within the workplace by reducing admin time.

Where do I go to get a new website?

These days there are so many ways to get your business online, but it all depends on your current needs, expectations, budget, and time.

We create, design and host websites for all types of business on a regular basis. We work directly with our clients to help establish a unique brand and build a strong online presence. This can be in the form of strategic marketing campaigns, paid advertisement or a website. Our services are all designed to help your business flourish, and nothing gives us greater pleasure than to see our clients succeed.

What is the cost of a website?

A phrase that we like to use is “how long is a piece of string?”, a website can start anywhere from £300 all the way to £1000 or more. It is all driven by the size of your website, future goals, budget, functionality, design, and content. As your website grows in needs so does the cost. Before you visit a website design agency, think about how much you are looking to spend and goals for your new website.

How to get started

Free website consultation

You know you need a website but unsure where to start? We offer a free website consultation to local businesses where we will discuss your website goals and prepare a proposal together for you based on your current needs and expectations. To book a free website consultation with one of our website designers get in touch below!

Website Quoting Tool

For many businesses, a website budget is a stab in the dark. Our website quoting tool will provisionally estimate the cost of your potential project based on factors such as functionality and how much content will be supplied. Once complete, you can then submit your quote to one of the local Nettl studios.


Too long didn’t read? Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Every business benefits from owning a website.
  2. Websites expand your customer network globally.
  3. There are three main types of websites: Portfolio, E-commerce & Booking.
  4. Websites vary in cost depending on your goals, scale, funtionality and budget.

Need help with starting a new website?

Talk to us about how we can help!

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