How to prepare your marketing for the 2021 holidays

November 10, 2021

It’s official, pumpkin spice lattes are back which can only mean one thing – winter is fast approaching. October through to Christmas is the busiest time of the year for most businesses with people searching for gift ideas, recipes, decorations and presents.

What felt like a lifetime of being cooped up in our little support bubbles last year, many customers have spent that time getting savvier and more familiar with online shopping (Planoly). In fact, Google has reported a 1.3x year-over-year increase in mobile searches for “where to buy/find/get”.

With the holiday season just around the corner, here are 7 tips helping you prepare your Christmas social media strategy in 2021.

#1 Plan early

Without a doubt, businesses will become increasingly busy this season and the last thing that you want is for your social media campaigns to fall behind. The key to success is to plan early. Start preparing your social media strategy and set goals that you want to achieve, organise content, discuss advertising strategies and start marketing to your customers.

#2 Prepare and schedule your holiday content now

When your business becomes overwhelmingly busy, your marketing strategy will be the last thing on your mind, yet it is one of the most crucial aspects to driving traffic and sales and you don’t want to miss out on those opportunities. Stock up on hot chocolate (strongly advise), create your content planner, generate a bank of social posts and schedule them in.

#3 Adverts on stand-by

130 million users on Instagram tap on shopping posts every month and this will only increase as the weeks go on. This makes Instagram the ideal platform to increase your exposure this season.

Paid advertisement is a great way to get your business in front of the consumer. To ensure that you do not miss out on those important touchpoints and advertising your products/services, submit your adverts early to ensure that they are approved to go when the time comes.

#4 Set a budget

The online advertising marketplace will most definitely get busier as we approach Christmas. Therefore, prices are likely to increase which will require for you to spend a little bit more on your ads than usual. A set budget will help you roughly estimate how many users you will be approaching each day and how many have made a purchase as a result.

5# Sale sneak peak

Who doesn’t love a sale? There is nothing more exciting than announcing a new seasonal product or a promotional offer to your audience. Start getting your customers excited now! Let them know what they can expect when the time comes around and give them plenty of time to prepare and decide on whether they will purchase your holiday goodies this year.

Advertising your sale early is most definitely an advantageous move. You are increasing the chance of being seen before your competitor. This may inspire those users to purchase from your business instead of someone else who also does a similar product or offer.

6# Call to action strategy

The pandemic has forced us to adapt to a new way of shopping. More and more businesses are balancing their shops both online and in-store, positively embracing the new hybrid way of shopping.

When you share your content online ensure that each post has a call to action in the caption. Your audience needs to know where they can get their hands on your products. Add links to your bio, stories, and posts to ensure that your audience has accessibility to what you are advertising.

#7 Giveaways

A freebie is always handy to drive traffic and boost engagement to your social media/ website so why not, in true holiday spirit, show your appreciation and give back to your loyal customers.

Christmas is a huge expense for many consumers and a giveaway goes a long way to cut down on gift expenses. This in return will encourage users to get involved & boost your engagement rate along with website traffic.

Prepare your 2021 holiday strategy with Nettl of Kidderminster!

We understand that not all businesses have the time to start preparing their holiday marketing early. However, neglecting your social media could lead to loss in potential buyers and a decrease in traffic. 

But don’t worry, cue the cheese, the Nettl elves are here to help! We can map out a tactful marketing strategy, create engaging content, analyse results, and help manage your website to ensure that your time is spent focusing on the important aspects of your business. Learn more about our strategic marketing here.


Too long didn’t read? Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Planning your marketing early allows for you to solely focus on your sales when you become too busy.
  2. Scheduling content out now gives you one less thing to worry about when you become overwhelmingly busy.
  3. Prepare your adverts now to start making important touch-points and tease your clients with what they can expect during Black Friday/ Christmas.
  4. Create your CTA strategy, decide where you want to drive your users e.g. social media, website or a specific landing page.
  5. Organise a giveaway! Who doesn’t love a freebie especially during one of the most expensive times of the year. This will boost engagement and traffic to your business.

Do you need help with your marketing during black friday?

Talk to us about how we can help!

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