The one where…

takes over!

The working from home edition.
As a result of the recent Covid-19 outbreak, we have all been working from the comfort of our homes. I have spent the last few weeks really focusing on my training & marketing, so that when we are back in the office I will be able to take on more jobs and speak to more of you!

A lot of us are struggling at the moment, and it is particularly upsetting to see many people lose their jobs and struggle making ends meet as a result of the pandemic. I am grateful & fortunate to still be able to carry on as usual with my work and college but inside my room with the company of my dog. I know a few apprentices that are not in a good position at the moment, with some sadly losing their jobs which puts them in a diifcult position of not being able to carry on with their apprenticeship unless they find another placement.

Due to having more time on my hands to actually sit down and train, I have been utilising this time to really polish my Adobe creative cloud skills & get my head into designing websites. Have a look at my current project of ‘Alicja’s Deli’ below, a brief given to me by the team to work on…

As you can see above, I have designed a few logos which I presented to the team to get their feedback and thoughts on them. Afterwards, I started designing a website but later realised that the logos which I initially designed weren’t actually what I envisioned for my business and the type of website that I wanted to build. So, I ended up with a completely different design which I quickly put together in order to start building.

I think this was a good learning curve for me because it made me become more mindful when designing logos to make them more suited to website layouts. I really enjoyed the challenge of creating a new brand, designing logos & building a website, although I did struggle at some stages purely down to not having a lot of experience, but all in all it was really fun to work on a project like this with a lot of creative space that I could utilise.

As a result of the recent Covid-19 outbreak, we have all been working from the comfort of our homes. I have spent the last few weeks really focusing on my training & marketing, so that when we are back in the office I will be able to take on more jobs and speak to more of you!  
A lot of us are struggling at the moment, and it is particularly upsetting to see many people lose their jobs and struggle making ends meet as a result of the pandemic. I am grateful & fortunate to still be able to carry on as usual with my work and college but inside my room with the company of my dog. I know a few apprentices that are not in a good position at the moment, with some sadly losing their jobs which puts them in a diifcult position of not being able to carry on with their apprenticeship unless they find another placement. Due to having more time on my hands to actually sit down and train, I have been utilising this time to really polish on my Adobe creative cloud skills & get my head into designing websites.
As you can see above, I have designed a few logos which I presented to the team to get their feedback and thoughts on them. Afterwards, I started designing a website but later realised that the logos which I initially designed weren’t actually what I envisioned for my business and the type of website that I wanted to build. So, I ended up with a completely different design which I quickly put together in order to start building. I think this was a good learning curve for me because it made me become more mindful when designing logos to make them more suited to website layouts. I really enjoyed the challenge of creating a new brand, designing logos & building a website, although I did struggle at some stages purely down to not having a lot of experience, but all in all was really fun to work on a project like this with a lot of creative space that I could utilise.

Fancy a Coffee?

We love meeting new people, learning about different businesses & their industries. Maybe we could start a project together?

13 + 15 =
