The one when we were…

Barista Coffee

We are pleased to say that we are all barista trained, meaning we can create a range of delicious coffees & hot chocolates using our lovely new coffee machine from our friends at Coffee Masters.

We met the Coffee Masters team when we were contacted about helping out with their marketing & branding plans. Dan, Linzi & Katie spent half a day at their office in Top Barn chatting all things marketing, as well as sampling some of their delightful products including coffee, tea, milkshakes & frappés (talk about major sugar rush)! We were so impressed that we decided to purchase our very own Barista style coffee machine & beans so we could create yummy warm drinks for our guests back at the Studio.

Brad from Coffee Masters visited us for half a day to demosntrate how to make different styles of coffee, including classics like Americano (known as the strong black one), Latte (known as the silky milky one) & the Cappucino (known as the super frothy one). He also talked us through how to create tasty hot chocolates too!

We haven’t quite mastered the milk art just yet, but fingers crossed – watch this space and we’ll keep you updated on the shapes we make!

We are pleased to say that we are all barista trained, meaning we can create a range of delicious coffees & hot chocolates using our lovely new coffee machine from our friends at Coffee Masters.

We met the Coffee Masters team when we were contacted about helping out with their marketing & branding plans. Dan, Linzi & Katie spent half a day at their office in Top Barn chatting all things marketing, as well as sampling some of their delightful products including coffee, tea, milkshakes & frappés (talk about major sugar rush)! We were so impressed that we decided to purchase our very own Barista style coffee machine & beans so we could create yummy warm drinks for our guests back at the Studio.

Brad from Coffee Masters visited us for half a day to demosntrate how to make different styles of coffee, including classics like Americano (known as the strong black one), Latte (known as the silky milky one) & the Cappucino (known as the super frothy one). He also talked us through how to create tasty hot chocolates too!

We haven’t quite mastered the milk art just yet, but fingers crossed! Watch this space and we’ll keep you updated on the shapes we make.

Fancy a Coffee?

We love meeting new people, learning about different businesses & their industries. Maybe we could start a project together?

10 + 9 =
