The one where…


It’s been a long time since we have updated you all on our studio life! The last 4 months have been, to say the least, one of the strangest and longest times for us all working from our homes… but we are back(ish)! So far only Alicja & Katie have returned back into the studio, whilst Dan & Linzi remain working from home! The girls are ensuring that they are maintaining a safe distance & a clean covid-secure environment. Our studio has had a little bit of a wardrobe change with wall-mounted sanitiser stations, free-standing sanitiser stations & posters across the office which you can see below.

We’re trying our best to get things back to normal where we can, but it’s our priority to keep the team and visitors safe which is why we are still not holding or attending meetings and instead are utilising the Zoom platform to chat with each other and our customers. As things are beginning to look a lot clearer for many businesses we felt like it was important to let you all know that we are back in the office and like always, are operating as unusual. We are here for any concerns or enquiries that you may have regarding any marketing, design or creative needs – we are here to listen & support your business! To get in touch you can call us on 01562 747411 or email

It’s been a long time since we have updated you all on our studio life! The last 4 months have been, to say the least, one of the strangest and longest times for us all working from our homes… but we are back(ish)! So far only Alicja & Katie have returned back into the studio, whilst Dan & Linzi remain working from home! The girls are ensuring that they are maintaining a safe distance & a clean covid-secure environment. Our studio has had a little bit of a wardrobe change with wall-mounted sanitiser stations, free-standing sanitiser stations & posters across the office which you can see below.

We’re trying our best to get things back to normal where we can, but it’s our priority to keep the team and visitors safe which is why we are still not holding or attending meetings and instead are utilising the Zoom platform to chat with each other and our customers. As things are beginning to look a lot clearer for many businesses we felt like it was important to let you all know that we are back in the office and like always, are operating as unusual. We are here for any concerns or enquiries that you may have regarding any marketing, design or creative needs – we are here to listen & support your business! To get in touch you can call us on 01562 747411 or email

Fancy a Coffee?

We love meeting new people, learning about different businesses & their industries. Maybe we could start a project together?

15 + 4 =
