The one where we

Say Adios to 2020!

First things first, thank you!

We all know this year has been tough for everyone, but we just want to share our appreciation for those who have been supporting us during this time. From those who continue to book jobs in with us, to others who make us laugh & keep us in good sprits over the phone or video call – we are grateful for everyone who has helped us continue to run through the year.

2020 has been historic, both for the world but also for our business. We have adapted and changed to the obstacles that have been thrown our way. Here is our journey through 2020…

It all began so well…

As we came into the new decade, the team all felt a positive buzz – with plenty of projects to work on and lots of wonderful opportunities on the horizon, things were shaping up to be one of our most exciting years to date!

Katie & Alicja started off the year visiting our friends at Nettl of Birmingham for a training day to learn more about the importance of transparency when it comes to working on a web based project with a client, and ensuring that expectations are set from the get go so everyone remains on the same page throughout the project.

We also attended the Sterling Big Breakfast & Exhibition where we hosted a PG version of Beer Pong at our stand & rewarded our winners with nettle flavoured gin (it would be rude to be anything else!). It was a wonderful day meeting new faces and growing our business circles.

At the Expo, Linzi won some tickets to watch a Worcester Warriors match and she kindly decided to treat the team to an evening watching the rugby!

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Enter COVID-19…

As news reports started to roll in during March, we started to realise the seriousness of the now infamous Coronavirus. We spent hours working on collateral to share with our clients to help guide them through the uncertainty that was unfolding, as well as helping them reassure their customers how they are managing business as things were changing so quickly.

Following the news reports, Dan made the difficult decision to move our machines & other equipment away from the office so that we could work from home to help support the NHS and flatten the curve of increasing infections. Shortly after, Boris Johnson addressed the nation and made his announcement that everyone that can work from home should do so, and non-essential businesses should close their doors, some for an indefinite period of time.

**Click the pictures to enlarge!**

Working from home to save our NHS!

The move to working online & remotely was something new to the team & being such a sociable, tight-knit group of people we wondered how we would make the transition to this new way of working. But everyone took to the change like a duck to water – if we do say so ourselves!

We were fortunate enough to still be busy with ongoing projects and ensured we kept all of our usual routines and rituals in place to keep us all motivated with the new way of working. We made sure to check in with each other every day, as well as contacting our clients to help support their businesses so they could carry on advising or selling to their customers where possible.

Lockdown life was different for each of us, but we tried to keep each other in good spirits by spreading positivity & making each other laugh. Here are some photos from our lockdown life so you can see what we got up to!

**Click the pictures to enlarge!**

Back to the studio (kind of)!

As restrictions started to ease in June, we were able to make use of our studio again. Katie & Alicja decided that after months of working at home, they needed some normality back in their lives and after discussions it was decided that they would return to the office!

Dan made the office space super COVID secure with plenty of hand sanitiser stations and anti-bac wipes so that the girls could work from the studio safely whilst Dan & Linzi worked remotely until the situation settled further.

**Click the pictures to enlarge!**

the “new normal”…

Yes, we’re pretty sick of that catchphrase too but it sums it all up well!

With Katie & Alicja back in the office, the team are busier than ever. With several projects and marketing plans to take care of, things are running along as (almost) normal.

Katie has been able to visit some clients to take photos and videos to promote their businesses (all COVID safe with masks warn and distance kept).

Alicja celebrated her 1 year anniversary in November too which is a huge milestone considering the difficult year it has been for a newbie to adapt to!

Although a second lockdown was announced in November and the liklihood of more to come, we are super duper busy here at Nettl. We all make sure to approach each day with a positive mental attitude and uplift each other every day where we can – especially clients who call needing a shoulder to lean on!

**Click the pictures to enlarge!**

Looking forward to a rest & hitting the ground running in 2021…

As the team review this year, we realise how lucky we are to have been able to keep the business open throughout the whole year, and although 2021 remains somewhat uncertain, we are positive that it will bring better & brighter things for all.

We’re looking forward to a well earned rest over Christmas after a hectic year. We hope you and yours have remained safe & well throughout 2020, and we wanted to wish you a very

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

christmas shut down

Closed for Christmas on 23rd December & re-open on 4th January 2022.

Everyone knows that it has been a long and stressful year which is why we are all looking forward to having a rest over Christmas to recharge our batteries & spend time with loved ones.

Please be aware that our studio will close on 23rd December at 4pm and will resume usual working hours on 4th January 2022 at 9am. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the office before the 23rd December on 01562 747411 and one of the team can assist you.

Wishing you & your family a Merry Christmas!

Fancy a Chat?

We love to meet new people, learning about different businesses & their industries. Maybe we could start a project together?

4 + 3 =
