The one where we

Get to
know Dan!

Introduce yourself!

Hi, I’m Dan and I started Pixel Design & Print (now more likely known as Nettl of Kidderminster) back in 2003 in a very snug office at our old Mill Street address. Since then I have been working hard along with the growing team to strengthen the business so we can continue to create excellent work for our clients. This includes moving to our very own premises, one of my favourite and proudest business milestones.

Old school origins…

My career background started in back in the early 90’s in reprographics (plate making for print presses), which soon developed into typesetting, graphic design and eventually web design.

I pride myself in my attention to detail and understanding a client’s needs.

What is your favourite type of project TO WORK ON?

My passion lies in branding and ensuring continuity of brand. I love working with my team and bringing ideas together, using different skills sets that bring a more rounded approach, rather than using just my own.


What energises you at work?

The most exciting thing about my job is when we get a client’s feedback where we have exceeded expectations or when we hear our work has directly improved a client’s business. Appreciation for what we do for our clients really makes a difference and it’s great to hear.


What saying or quote do yoU find youRself saying often in the studio?

I’m a great believer in Master Yoda’s saying – “Do, or do not, there is no try”. It’s all about having a positive mental attitude – a can do attitude. Don’t try and do it, do it! If you do a job, do it well and to the best of your ability.

Mental health is a big issues nowadays, and I am a huge believer that a positive attitude can solve many problems – although ironically, you may find many people close to me saying I can be a bit miserable – but inside I’m a positive person, honest!


And finally, let’s learn the fun stuff!

What are your top 3 fave films? Ok, favourite film is a hard one. I’m a bit of a film buff – I like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Ace Ventura, Dumb & Dumber. I love retro too, so all the 80’s cult classics like The Goonies, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Blade Runner, Big Trouble in Little China, the list goes on. And on. And on

We love playing office tunes, what is your go to music genre? Oh dear, talk about eclectic! Bear with me on this but I like anything from Elvis Presley to Metallica. I love 70’s soul music, huge fan of the 80’s, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Jamiroquai, INXS, and even a bit of classical.

How do you spend time outside of work? I have to admit, I’m a gaming geek. I love my consoles – I grew up playing on my Sega Master System, Atari ST, Super Nintendo, and Playstations. I find playing these is a form of escapism from real life, which we all need occasionally – it chills me out. I also have a fascination with martial arts – I did taekwondo for 12 years which was a large part of my life until recently.

You’re having a meal out, what food & drink do you choose? Foodwise – I love a fillet steak or pasta. I’m also a big cheese fan – you can never have enough cheese! For drinks, I love my cup of tea, but for something a bit stronger, it’s a Jack Daniel’s and Coke, or if I’m feeling a little flush, a Long Island Iced Tea.

What is the best place you have ever visited? I’ve not travelled as half as much as I’d have liked, but Banff in Canada is probably the most spectacular, Nevis Island in the Caribbean was pretty special, Rome the best city, and I was amazed by the scenery we have in the UK when I did the Three Peaks Challenge a few years back.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?  I always wanted to be an actor, but i wasn’t a risk taker when I was younger and took the safer route of Graphic Designer instead.

Meet the rest of the team!

The One Where We Get To Know Linzi

The One Where We Get To Know Linzi

Hey! So, my name is Linzi – and I have been working at Nettl for nearly 10 years now! My role has changed over the years but you will often find me dealing with many of our accounts and liaising with the clients on new campaigns and projects whilst managing the studio and team.

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Would you like to learn more about the team here at nettl?

Now you know a little more about the team, we’d love to meet you and get to know you too! Pop us an email or phone call and we can organise a time to video chat!

Fancy a Coffee?

We love meeting new people, learning about different businesses & their industries. Maybe we could start a project together?

5 + 13 =
