Is your brand Dressed For The Occasion?

How to approach your new brand identity

Sometimes it’s good to give your existing business a little refresh and change of direction. Why not stylize it and get your brand looking polished with a distinctive brand identity to get yourself noticed amongst competition? Even if you are just starting out it’s good to keep in mind the cost and time that goes into creating a new brand identity, how do you make sure it reflects on you accurately and benefits you in the long-term? How do you pick the right designer? Will they be able to relay your ideas in the designs to your expectations? Don’t worry! We can make these worries disappear, with our years of experience & hands on knowledge we will guide you through this process. Here are some tips you can use for your next redesign!

Looking for a new identity


Maybe you’re on the cusp of launching something new or having a change of scenery?

The most important aspect of creating a new identity for your brand is to establish it’s full potential and also the kind of message that you want to reflect within it. By understanding your own brand you will know the kind of path that you need to take. If it is going to be a small vegan cafe it may be designed more light hearted and playful, whereas a large insurance company would need to appear serious and corporate.

The design needs to present something that will captivate your clients and having a brand identity is all about getting to know you as a business and the kind of aspirations which you have in store for the future. It is the idea of establishing a connection between you, your business & your potential customer. It is important to communicate through your design as it is like a first impression towards your customer so it needs to be a memorable one.

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Brand Styling


Brand styling involves creating a design that instigates a highly intentional message to a third party source through the use of colour, pattern, type and illustration. It’s essentially a fancy term for the creation of your logo & brand elements.This type of art is what helps to attract an audience and form new business connections that could lead to future sales or collaborations.

By styling your brand you enable people to get a glimpse into your business & what you are all about, it needs to show an attractive logo that will be the heart of your company. It needs to feature carefully thought out fonts, colours and illustrations which provide your brand with a suitable personality, flair and style.

The general idea is to create a brand idenitty that is distinctive to you and allows people to get to know your business a little bit better before they have any interactions with you.

What you need to look out for when designing a brand identity...
  • Distinctive logo that is easy to read and recognisable.
  • We suggest using 2 typefaces to add character and flexibility to your brand styling.
  • Colour palette (no more than 3 colours) that represents you as a business.
  • Patterns to give some texture and uniqueness to the design
  • Illustrations/Photographs to add depth and interest to the design.
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The Planning Process


 There are a few questions that you should be asking yourself before putting your vision on paper…

  • What do I want my brand to be associated with?
  • How will I differentiate from the competitors?
  • What does my audience like/dislike?
  • How do I want to come across?

These are just a few things that you should be mindful of within this whole entire process. How about creating a mood board for brain dumping all your ideas, designs & thoughts into? Let your imagination run wild! This is just the planning stage so nothing has to be perfect.

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The Creation Process


If you have an exisiting website or marketing materials, you need to think about how your new design is going to fit in with those. Maybe you need to rebrand those too? This is all taken into account when designing a new brand.

Colour psychology is your new best friend when it comes to choosing a colour palette. An article written by Econsultancy explains in-depth how each colour is interpreted when used in branding/marketing. Every colour has a different purpose and message behind it hence why it is important to familiarise yourself with their meanings, read more about it here. Intentionally include elements that are associated with your brand and its industry. You need to consider things that will help you gain that specific impression and reflect your personality –  whether it is luxurious, fun, masculine or delicate.

The main factor of creating your new brand identity is for you to love it. You want it to be a good indication of who you are and the person behind the brand. Ultimately, you want to attract people who will support and invest in your business.  

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Looking to refresh your brand?

We can help you design a whole new brand identity that reflects your business! Get in touch and lets set up a virtual meeting…

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