Branding Blog Archives

Why is branding important for your business?

Why is branding important for your business?

In simple terms, branding is defined as a marketing practise of creating and shaping your business into its own unique identity. However, branding isn’t just about aesthetic logos and designs which many still mistake it for. Branding is a tool for businesses to make a lasting and memorable impression. It creates feelings of familiarity and reassurance for potential clients to help your business build trusted relationships and keep them coming back for more.

Alicja’s Colour Of The Month – Candy Cane Red

Alicja’s Colour Of The Month – Candy Cane Red

As the year is beginning to come to an end we thought what better way to finish our ‘Alicja’s Colour Of The Month’ series but with a classic and christmasy ‘Candy Cane Red’!

Many businesses choose to steer away from this vibrant and expressive colour but we think it is such a classic and signature colour that you would be missing out by not incorporating it within your branding.

Alicja’s Colour Of The Month – Pumpkin Orange!

Alicja’s Colour Of The Month – Pumpkin Orange!

As Halloween begins to approach slowly, Alicja has decided to choose a Spooky Pumpkin Orange to represent the month of October. Make your branding stand out through incorporating Pumpkin Orange within your logo or marketing campaigns. This vibrant colour is not only bold and flashy but it is also very memorable which is important when converting users into your customers.

Alicja’s Colour Of The Month – Walnut Brown

Alicja’s Colour Of The Month – Walnut Brown

This month Alicja has chosen a warmer colour palette and more specifically a ‘Walnut Brown’. When incorporating brown within your marketing it gives the impression of reliability and a sense of strength which can be ideal for big corporate businesses to use within their logo or marketing campaigns.

Alicja’s Colour Of The Month – Choc Chip Mint

Alicja’s Colour Of The Month – Choc Chip Mint

There is no better way to finish off the Summer with a colour named after an ice cream, right? Alicja has chosen to represent August with a Mint Choc Chip Green as it is such a versatile colour that can be used across of types of industries depending on the message that you want to send out to your audience. Colour is such an integral part of marketing because it will forever be associated with your brand and therefore needs to be conveying the right kind of message in order to build a trusting relationship with your customers.

3 Tips On How To Present Your Work On Social Media

3 Tips On How To Present Your Work On Social Media

Tap into your virtual audience through strategically creating and using your content in a way to catch users attention & make your portfolio memorable. Most of the latest models of smartphones have now high-quality cameras built-in. However, owning a really good camera doesn’t make you a pro photographer. There are other skills that come into play when taking photos and editing them i.e. layout, typography, composition, colours and lighting. Each of these factors adds value to your finished work and therefore it is important to know when, where and how to use them.

Are You Effectively Managing Your Customer’s Experience?

Are You Effectively Managing Your Customer’s Experience?

As a business we sometimes need to take a step back and think, how do we distinguish ourselves against everyone else? What can we offer that others don’t already do? This is where customer experience comes into play. If you create an environment which makes it difficult to work with you, the less likely people are to want to do business with you now and in the future.

How To Adapt… As A School

How To Adapt… As A School

These past few months have been a really tough and difficult time for teachers and pupils alike. Routine and what we once knew is just something from the past. Without friends, family and support systems, days are beginning to feel long and learning is hard. As the government is pushing schools to slowly re-open, let’s make sure that we’re ready to hit the ground running!

Are You Dressed For The Occasion?

Are You Dressed For The Occasion?

Our blog will take you through the process of launching a new brand identity and the thought process that goes into this project. You want the design to reflect accurately on your brand, but also to attract more customers and business relationships that are there for the long-term.

Relationship Tips For You & Your Customers

Relationship Tips For You & Your Customers

February is known as the month of looove.. but how can we apply that to the relationships that we have with out customers? When looking at it retrospectively, the way that we form these business relationships is very similar to how we would form a normal relationship but more businessey and professional of course.

Importance of Data and Analytics

Importance of Data and Analytics

We produce a mass amount of data on a daily basis. This type of information is extremely advantageous for businesses to use as a reference when creating new products or branding. Knowing what your audience likes and dislikes allows for you to suit and adjust your content to your customers.

Understanding The Design Process

Understanding The Design Process

A graphic designer and an artist are similar in that they are both creatives, however, a graphic designer has to be more strategically driven to find the solution for their client. We designers have to follow a series of steps before we can begin the actual design work…

Be Credible & Win Business

Be Credible & Win Business

Unless you are terribly lucky, your customers have plenty of choice where they buy from. It is so competitive in most industries nowadays, it takes effort to persuade people to trust you & convince them you are the right choice.

Fancy a Coffee?

We love meeting new people, learning about different businesses & their industries. Maybe we could start a project together?

2 + 3 =
