Emails Blog Archives

Why is branding important for your business?

Why is branding important for your business?

In simple terms, branding is defined as a marketing practise of creating and shaping your business into its own unique identity. However, branding isn’t just about aesthetic logos and designs which many still mistake it for. Branding is a tool for businesses to make a lasting and memorable impression. It creates feelings of familiarity and reassurance for potential clients to help your business build trusted relationships and keep them coming back for more.

How To Design Emails To Get People Reading

How To Design Emails To Get People Reading

Are you looking for ways of transforming your email list from subscribers into customers? Look no further! We will take you through a little journey of transforming your email design game from plain Jane to creating some of the most glamourous emails that the world has yet to see. We need to start at the root a.k.a the basics. Creating emails is easy but making them stand out and appear creative is a whole different story and skill in itself.

5 Advertising Sins

5 Advertising Sins

Have you taken into account that the content you are presenting could actually be having a reverse effect on your brand? Lets be honest with ourselves, we are all guilty of seeing a branding email pop up without even taking a minute to process what we are seeing – instead the file is sent straight to junk. To avoid such calamity, these are ‘5 sins of advertising’ we should all avert from.

Your GDPR Friendly Marketing Toolkit!

Your GDPR Friendly Marketing Toolkit!

Did you know that it has been one year since GDPR came into force? There have been consent notices coming from all angles, but I think we can all agree that data protection is a good thing.

Although data protection is great for the consumer, it has made certain marketing activities for businesses more difficult to carry out. For example, your email list may have shrunk a little after cleansing your contacts.

Fancy a Coffee?

We love meeting new people, learning about different businesses & their industries. Maybe we could start a project together?

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