How To Design Emails To Get People Reading

Approx 3 minute read…

Are you looking for ways of transforming your email list from subscribers into customers? Look no further! We will take you through a little journey of transforming your email design game from plain Jane to creating some of the most glamourous emails that the world has yet to see. We need to start at the root a.k.a the basics. Creating emails is easy but making them stand out and appear creative is a whole different story and skill in itself.

Starting at the root



You have begun the marketing journey with creating your first ever email list.

Now.. where do we start?

Don’t be boring sending a introductionary email that most likely will be sent straight to spam. It is so predictable and overly done. First emails are your golden ticket to success and getting these customers engaged!

Set the tone. Give a brief introduction but remember they already know you so keep it short and let them know what should be expected from your future email campaigns. More importantly why not add something that is rarely seen in email campaigns… designs!

Now we are getting somewhere


Lets add some sunlight & water and make this email campaign flourish!

So now that we touched on the basics. Lets get to the real stuff. To get this email to grow you need to consider the following: typography, readability, icons, images, links.

 It is good practise to be using the same style of font that you are associated with and therefore the fonts that you use on your websites and own work, should match what you are using in your email campaigns. However, it needs to be clear and easy to read. The last thing you want is to be posting out an email with a font that people cannot read – defies the whole purpose doesn’t it?

Icons are a great way of adding some fun and interaction to the campaign. They don’t have to be anything extravagant, it can be as simple as downloading some minimalistic vectors that you add to your email.

Images are another way of breaking up the email and grabbing ones attention, especially if its a picture of a dog! Be sure to include images that are related to your business and what you are proposing in the email.

It may sound obvious but you would be suprised at how this is easily forgettable. LINK, LINK & LINK! Do not forget to add links to all your social medias, websites and anything that you are trying to sell. You will recieve more clicks this way as it saves customers from having to find your platforms manually when they can simply click on a link already provided in your email.

Let it grow!


Now that we have the layout in mind. It’s time to get to the beefy stuff, the content!

It is imperative to ensure that the content which you have made the conscious decision to feature in your campfire email is relevant to…

  1. The Customer
  2. Your Business
  3. The Trends

If you are sending out and email that is promoting concierge plans provided by your company, businesses that are already on your concierge plans won’t find that relevant to them. Therefore, if you are choosing to include certain promotions make sure that there is a seperate email list specified for customers or businesses that are not yet part of that service.

Be mindful of the relevancy within your emails and that it associates with your type of business. It wouldn’t make sense for a marketing agency to be writing about where you can buy the best coffee, although that may be a useful tip for all of us! Stick to what you know and briefly talk about what the customers may expect in the upcoming weeks. Why not feature what is currently on sale? Don’t waste your time by writing paragraphs of content, be concise and to the point.

Trends are something that we all follow. We see it, we like it & we buy it. That is just how the world works, but it isn’t a bad thing. By researching what is currently on trend and what your competitors are featuring in their email campaigns/social platforms will present to you what you need to start promoting. The more you know the more you will grow, knowledge is key as they say and therefore by conducting research on companies in a similar industry as you will help you achieve that mindset.

To Finalise


To conclude the blog post for a successful email campaign to arise ensure that the content you are producing is relevant to your business but also the industry that you are in. Give it a unique touch, add icons, pictures even little updates about what you and your colleagues have been up to this past month & what can be expected in the following weeks – any sales?

More importantly, many email marketing services, such as MailChimp, provide a tool called ‘send a test email’ this allows you to view the email campaign before it gets sent out and shows you exactly what the customer would receive. As a result, you are able to carefully analyse it & see if it needs improvement and for you to check if it is looking the way you initially desired it to. Have a look at your competitors and what their email campaigns look like, is yours standing out against theirs? What are they including?

Like mentioned previously, trends are something that will always be around and what people most search for and get involved in. Writing about these trends and getting yourself involved in the loop, will allow for your content to flourish!


Design is our passion, it runs through our blood! Ask us for advice on email campaigns.

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