Are you neglecting your social media?

Tidy up your profile and bring in the followers!

As most of us are now working from home, what better way to use your time than wiping off the dust from your social media platforms?

In 2017, LSE found that a shocking 2.8 billion people were actively using social media and of course this is a 3 year old finding so image the amount of users that are currently browsing through social media at this very moment!

Social media is the perfect soluton to increasing your companies recognition and getting your name & brand out there to the world. However, to successfully build your social platforms, there are factors that you should keep in mind before plastering all your content out.



Lets start off by polishing your profile and making sure that it looks professional and clear.

One thing that we notice a lot is that some accounts use the wrong proportions when it comes to their profile and cover photo. There are a lot of articles online that supply you with the correct sizes, here is an example of an article written by Falcon.

Treat your profile picture & cover image almost like a first impression as this is going to be the first thing that users will see when clicking on your profile, hence why it is important to get these things right from the beginning.

Are the images that you are using clear and high quality? If the answer is no, we need to change that. We would encourage you to use your logo where you can for that instant recognistion, but if you don’t want to use one then there are a lot of websites which you can use to either buy images from or use for free with atributions.

As well as this, you should make visually appealing posts too. Having exciting and clear images represents your company in a much more professional and positive light. These days social media is overflowing with images being posted every second of the day, you need to jump on that band wagon too and get posting images that will make you stand out.


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By including your contact details on your social media opens the gate for users to be able to easily access your information which may actually prompt them to contact you! It’s all about improving user experience. If the information isn’t readily there for your customers to access, then it lowers the possibility of them getting in touch with you. Make their lives as easy as possible!

Many social media platforms make this super simple for you to do. Put your address, number and email in your description with a link to your website so that people can have all of your contact details at hand. You might even wish to include a Call to Action button which can prompt end users to call, book an appointment or send a message!


get found online

Choosing the right time to post


Posting content out is pretty straight forward, but are you consciously scheduling content out at specific times?

Having a schedule in place is important rather than posting content whenever you have time. Your audience isn’t available 24/7 therefore you may need to do some digging to see when they are the most active. This will indicate the times that are best for you to post at & catch their attention.

Knowing the best times to post may actually differentiate you against your competitors, getting your content seen above the others. Each social media platform has their own algorithm, but being aware of these will actually maximize your chance of engagament from your audience. SproutSocial has written an in-depth article that breaks down each social media platform and their optimal times to post on them.

Social media managment tools are life savers when it comes to scheduling content. They will do all the work for you throughout the day, week or month once you have planned and uploaded your content to the site. We recommend Hootsuite or Buffer!


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Engage with your audience


Replying to someone’s comment only takes a few seconds but this small act of acknowledgment goes a long way as you are beginning to form closer relationships with your audience. Someone liked or shared your post? Thank them! Start mingling with other users which may introduce you to their followers which may expand your audience.

People like to feel noticed and cared for, so it is important to make sure that you make them feel like they are being ackowledged by you. Don’t treat your audience as profit, they are potential customers so look after them.

It is important to take the time to engage with your audience and form trusting and long-term relationships with them. Why not support your fellow businesses by sharing and reacting to their posts to provide them with some exposure which they may do so for you in return.



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Need a social media review?

We can help you look at how you can use your social media platforms in a professional way, ask us if we can review your platforms!

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