They’re affordable, fun and you can stick them anywhere you like. So why not have a go at using stickers to promote your brand!

You can put whatever you like on stickers – your logo, web address, a photograph, a cool illustration. What’s more, with our Fast&Few Stickers you can have a different design on each sticker on the sheet – perfect to highlight different offers and promotions to your customers. They’re also great for labeling, organizing your paperwork and adding to gift boxes. Here’s a few ideas…

Got a logo?
Put it on a sticker. Perhaps you’re planning a bit of guerilla marketing, or want to brand everything in sight. It’s great way to spread the word about your business.

Mailing stickers
Our Rectangle Kiss-cut stickers are ideal for mailing stickers. Let your customer know how important they are by adding “Urgent” or “Priority” to their package.

Give them to your customers
Everyone loves a sticker. Give them out with orders, mail outs and invoices, your customer will stick them to their belongings and be reminded of you. Put together a few designs so they can pick their favourite. They’ll see it again and again as they go throughout their day. Excellent for giving out at events, launches and exhibitions.

Business cards
Stickers make business cards more intriguing. Try out a few designs on the sheet and hand out different coloured ones depending on your mood or what part of your business or services you’re trying to promote. They’ll make an impression be stuck somewhere handy to refer to later.
Why not give it a go!

Get in touch for more information and prices.

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