Untitled-1As technology is forever evolving and there are always new ways to do things online, it is only expected that Google frequently changes to match this. Over the year of 2015, Google has been making various updates to reward the companies whose websites make the end-users experience an easy one. Below is what Google has done this year to optimise the mobile friendly sites.

Rewarding responsive websites – This kind of website is huge this year for being higher up in the Google rankings. Want to know more about these? Click here to read our previous blog post!

Increasing the visibility of mobile friendly sites – A new update was released mid-April that was designed to boost the presence of mobile friendly pages in the mobile search results. Although it took a few weeks, it was reported that many businesses were losing search traffic because they didn’t have mobile friendly sites.

The quality update – This update affected the sites that had content that was of no use to visitors. It also penalises websites that published low quality and/or duplicate content. This came with the intent to bring the higher quality websites to the top of the search listings. Google has published guidelines on how to avoid/fix this.

Think you are missing a trick with your website? Drop us a line here
